S.S. “Arabic”
Liverpool. 22nd Sept. 1905
Dear Ella + children.
Out on the briney deep; I am writing this letter about two hundred miles out from land. We left Boston yesterday at 3.30 p.m. Anna [Anna Wilhelmine Kramer], Tinnie [Ernestine Clara Kohlhepp], + Ern[e]st Schneidt accompanied me to the Ship. I had an e[n]joyable time while in Boston, although the weather was wretched it drizzled and rained all the time. It is lovely now and the ocean looks grand. There are about twenty Latter Day Saints on board. There are two bound [for] Germany besides myself. Bro. Flamm and his wife and another young brother. I wish you were with me. I have been somewhat home sick the last day or two, but I must get over it. The steamer Arabic [Arabic II] is just grand, 600 feet long, and elegantly furnished, like a Palace. I visited Eda [Eda Henrietta Kohlhepp Epple] on the 20th I found her looking very bad I do not think she will live much longer.[N1] But she has hopes, consumptives alway’s do have, you know. She is going to move to New O[r]leans for her health, They are going to sell their home in Roslindale[, MA], and leave for good. I tried to preach our Gospel to father but he said he did not want to hear anything about our religion. He said he was a Free-mason and that was all the religion he wanted but they all treated me very well, and made the time pass pleasantly for me, but not I getting anxious to get to my field of labor.[N2] I have not been sea sick yet and I feel splendid phisicaly. I hope you are feeling as well as I am, I hope Viva [Survivor Kohlhepp], is feeling better now. I suppose he is calling for papa yet.[N3] Bless his little heart, kiss him for me a thousand times. I study some but there is to much excitement + bustle around. Father gave me ten dollars + Anna two dollars when I went aboard, to help me along. I will will try to write again when I get to England.
Your loveing husband + father.
Fred. J. Kohlhepp.
N1: Eda would never make this trip (interesting that here is noted as New Orleans and in his journal he mentions Los Angeles, California). This is the last time Fred would visit with his elder sister. Eda passed away only a couple weeks after Fred's visit on October 2, 1905.
N2: This point to Johann Friedrich's general irreligious attitude. He didn't seem to join any particular religious sect, although Lutheranism did run in different strains of the family, including in his own children.
N3: Viva would have been only a little over 2 years old at this time, and definitely still yearning for the parent he long knew after coming into tworld.
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