Saturday, May 23, 2020

Frederick Kohlhepp - Missionary Journal Entries - September 1905 (2 of 2)

22 September 1905 - Friday

Weather was fair.

[p. 3]
Spent the day reading + walking about the deck, also wrote [a] letter home.[N12]

23 September 1905 - Saturday

[It is] Wet and foggy. Bro Fife + Jorgenson are somewhat sea sick. I am feeling well so far, I have taken a bath on board ship which has done me good. I feel that the Lord is with me on this journey.  British Art Galery Walker R. [in] Liverpool.[N13] Off [the] banks of New Foundland [at] noon [on] the 23rd [of] Sep. with rain and fog.

24 September 1905 - Sunday

Sunday still foggy. [There are] Baptist Missionaries bound for India + other points of the eastern lands to preach to the heathens, [they] held meetings at 10-30 a.m + 7 p.m[.] I attended.[N14] 9 P.M. still foggy. [The] fog horn [is] blowing every few minutes. The sea has been calm so far. retired for bed. [at] 9 P.M.

[p. 4]
25 September 1905 - Monday

[Ship coordinates are] Longitude [-]38.42 Lattitude 48.21[.][N15] The weather has been pleasant all day with [a] breeze from [the] N.E. We sighted some porpoise this afternoon not far from the ship.[N16] My appetite is good aboard ship and I am feeling well, but I feel anxious to arive at my field of labor. Sighted steamer bound for Liverpool, about noon, was loaded heavy, and sailing slow. We past it in a few hours.  I have a birth [berth] to myself about amidship. Spent the day reading some + walking the deck. It is very monotinous on a ship. Our company are all feeling well now. Three more missionaries bound for Switzerland + Germany came aboard at Boston.[:] Bro’s. Flamm, [Harry] Shepherd, + [Richard K.] Bridg[e]. [It’s] 9 P.M. [and I’m] going to bed.

[p. 5]
26 September 1905 - Tuesday

Cloudy + somewhat cold, Have not been on deck much today.  Spent the day mostly in the Laibrary + in my birth [berth] and chatting with the brethren. [A] Man died on board last night. unknown.[N17]

Names of our party.  Where bound.[N18]
Bro. Flamm + Wife Germany
“ Baker + “ England
“ Webster
“ Pike
“ Kohlhepp Germany
“ Fife Scotland
“ Chris. Mortensen Denmark
“ Frank Mortensen
“ Jorgensen
“ Brown England
“ Midgely
“ Shepherd Germany
“ Bridg[e]
“ Reeves England

“ Hardy England
“ Anderson England
“ Hoagland Sweeden
“ Hatch England
“ Rich England
Sister Boyer

27 September 1905 - Wednesday

The man who died aboard [on Monday night] was consigned to the waves last night at midnight. Gulls were sighted near ship [in] the morning, A bird called mother Carey’s chicken fell on the deck last night.[N19] Sea quite rough this morning. [Ship coordinates are] Lat. 50-13 Lon. [-]19-27[.][N20]

68 Hoechgasse
Co/ S. F. Ballif [Serge F. Ballif]

Bought stamps, and mailed two letters on board.

[p. 7]
28 September 1905 - Thursday

Rough sea in the morning and windy. Came in sight of the cost of Ireland about noon. We had a good view of the shore [and] passed some sailing vessels, Also passed [the] Steam Ship Majestic bound from Liverpool to New York, [at] about 3 P.M.[N21] Arived at Queenstown [at] 6 P.M. [A] Small Steamer came alongside + took on passengers + baggage. Also the mail, bound for Queenstown. I have been a little sea sick today. Passed [the] Fastnet light house [at] 3 P.M. [and] Daunts Rock at 6 P.M.[N22]

29 September 1905 - Friday

Arived in Liverpool [at] 12.30 P.M. We were met by Elders at the wharf and were conducted to a hotel where we had diner, after

[p. 8]
dinner we went to the conference house at #1 Holly Road Where we received instruction in regards to our missions, Bro. Heber J. Grant gave us some splendid countsil and instruction.[N23]  I leave for London at 12.30 P.M. tomorrow, from there we go to Paris, from there to Zürich.

30 September 1905 - Saturday

[Left] Liverpool, for Zürich[,] Switzerland, After parting with our friends at the Iles hotel on Norton Road, We went from Central Station, at 12-50 P.M. [and] arrived [in] London [at] 5-50 P.M. Left London by Victoria Station, for New Haven at 9-10 P.M. Left New Haven [at] 10-50 P.M. Leeft On the Steam Ship [to] Paris for Dieppe[,] France.


N12: See 22 September 1905 letter.

N13: The Walker is the major art gallery of Liverpool, which houses one of the largest art collections in England, outside of London, causing some to refer to it as "the National Gallery of the North". Designed by local architects Cornelius Sherlock and H.H. Vale it opened in 1877.  The Walker Art Gallery is located on William Brown Street (the only street in the UK to consist of nothing other than Museums, Galleries and Libraries) in a neo-Classical building. It seems likely Fred was making note of a nice place to visit in his journal; when he arrives in Liverpool, in the September 29-30 entries, there's no sense that he actually made it to the gallery.

N14: Notice how Fred was completely comfortable hearing the claims of other Christian faiths.

N15: These coordinates on a map are:

N16: Harbor porpoise likely.

N17: It is unclear from Frederick’s journal whether the man who passed away was unknown, or if this referred to the cause of his death. I presume the latter. It's quite likely he wouldn't have known the person.

N18: *Future research note* -- Try to resolve this folks to their full names as much as possible

N19: Mother Carey's Chicken. Fred's constant notice of the local fauna is an interesting aspect of his character. You don't see this attention to wildlife in say the journal of Richard K. Bridge.

N20: These coordinates on a map are:

N21: The SS Majestic was a steamship built in 1890 for and operated by the White Star Line until 1914, when it was sold for scrap metal.  It could carry nearly 1500 passengers.

N22: Fastnet Lighthouse:

Daunt's Rock:

N23: In 1901, Elder Heber J. Grant (LDS Apostle) was sent to Japan to open the church's Japanese Mission. He served as mission president until 1903, when he returned home but was almost immediately sent to preside over the British and other European missions of the church. He returned from the British mission in 1906. It's impressive that before getting into his individual mission, Fred and the other missionaries got to hear from the apostle presiding over all European missions.

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