Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Minerva and Annalee Away from Home

I have two newspaper clippings from Liahona: The Elders' Journal that mention Minerva and Annalee Kohlhepp. The first is in the 6 November 1915 issue, in the "News from the Mission" section. For Brooklyn, on pages 333-334, it notes the following:
The New York Branch is extremely fortunate in having among its membership so many of the Utah students, who willingly and cheerfully lend their time and talents to the furtherance of the cause. The different organizations have been re-organized previous to commencing the winter's work[. . .] The Sunday School officers are Bro. Melvin Peterson superintendent, Walter P. Monson Jr., and Allan R. Cutler Jr., assistants, Iris Retter secretary, Melvin Peterson chorister with Heber Hancock assistant, Venna Monson organist. Dr. R. S. Olsen and Minerva Kohlhepp teachers, and Lafayette Monson librarian.
Thus, it shows that Minerva was involved as a Sunday School teacher in the New York Branch while she was studying art in New York in 1915.

The other snippet is from the 21 December 1920 issue, also in a "News from the Missions" section. For the California Mission, on page 251, Lydia Nasner writes of the Long Beach Branch that:
La Rue Munk was transferred from Long Beach to San Pedro to labor with Annalee Kohlhepp.
We see that Annalee served a mission in Califoria soon after Fred's death, and that she labored in San Pedro, and one of her companions was La Rue Munk.

1 comment:

  1. You may be interested in a photo I found of Minerva in a group shot at the Student Art League while she was in New York. I don't have the link, but will gladly email it to you. I am doing a presentation in my Stake and including Minerva and her life & work. Do you happen to have a copy of a wedding photo of Minerva and Herman? Or their family? I am a huge Minerva fan and have enjoyed looking through your blog and learning more about her family. Their second son, Robert Henri Teichert, 90, just passed away this month. Thanks, and enjoy your lineage! You come from a great one. marianissenphoto@gmail.com

    Maria Nissen
