Monday, May 10, 2010

More on the German Police Threat

In my last post, I neglected an interesting letter from Frank Anderson that Fred received in January 1908, around 5 and a half months after Fred returned home from his mission. The letter reads as follows:
19 January 1908
Co[“]ln [?] Jan. 19-08
Dear Bro: Am at sister Geldermans and she wants to send you her best regards. Suppose you have heard of Bro. Geldermans death and this family is a pitable condition. There have been Elder[s?] banished from Cöln [Köln] and I am back to stay for a while. Love from all the Saints.
Frank V. Anderson
This letter from Elder Anderson shows that the pursuit of missionaries by the German Police in Köln was a serious threat. Although it does not sound like the elder(s) were imprisoned for two years as Fred had feared, they were at least banished from the area, so that Elder Anderson had to leave Duisburg and return to Köln. The police would likely have done at least this to Fred.

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