Friday, November 30, 2018

Farewell Party for Enos Neeley

While superintendent of the Neeleyville Sunday School, Fred wrote a notice that was published in the Deseret News on December 11, 1897. The snippet notes:
Neeleyville Ward, Nov. 29 1897. A very pleasant evening was spent here on the 28th at a farewell party to Brother Enos Neeley, who has just started for a mission to the Northern States. Relatives and friends were gathered until our small hall was filled to overflowing. An interesting program was rendered; there were also dancing and a delightful lunch. So much feeling was manifested when the parting time came that few eyes were dry, and it seemed like every one was parting from a dear beloved brother, for Brother Neeley is loved by all our people and respected and honored by all business men in our locality. He refused a prominent position to accept his mission, and we feel that his energy and uprightness will make him a favorite abroad as well as at home. F. Kohlhepp.
Who was Enos Neeley? His name obviously sounds related to the founders of the town (Neeleyville, which became Neeley, Idaho). Enos was set apart by J. Golden Kimball for a mission to the Northern (Northwestern) states, and he served from Dec 1 1897 - March 9 1900. At the time he was only 24 years old, and a bachelor. It's interesting to see the farewell party activities, such as dancing.