Sunday, January 13, 2019

Letter to Wilford Woodruff -- Settlement in Utah

In July 1893, Fred was struggling to determine a proper home for his family. There were other LDS men in this situation in Pocatello, who'd come from different locations. They determined, with Fred writing the letter, to reach out to Wilford Woodruff, the fourth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Woodruff had been in this position since 1889) for guidance. They came to him with a proposal to dig a well and create an establishment in the desert lands west of Salt Lake. It's hard to determine exactly where they proposed -- "Granite Mountains" in the Dugway District southwest from Salt Lake on the American Desert.

It no doubt seems to reference this general region in the desert west of Tooele (where George Reynolds and Joseph F. Smith directed the feedback). Here's a map from Google, not looking very hospitality. The Dugway here is the government facility built around WWII for testing purposes reg. chemical agents and other top secret projects. It would not have been the reference Fred was making. The pin on here is for Granite Peak. A not very hospitable place. I don't believe Fred and his family every attempted to settle out here in the end.

I've included the document, along with response notes from Joseph F. Smith and George Reynolds.

Document Type: Letter
When Written: July 16, 1893
Location: Pocatello, Idaho
By whom: Frederick J. Kohlhepp
To whom: Wilford Woodruff
Additional Notes from: Joseph F. Smith, George Reynolds
Originals: Yes
In Possession by: LDS Church History Library


Wilford Woodruff,

Dear Brother We your bretheren have contemplated going down to the Desert near Granite Mts. in the Dug way District south west from Salt Lake on the American Desert, for the purpose of sinking an artesian well for the purpose of irigation, and if we could strike water there we intended to go down there and take up land colonize there, and before taking any further steps, we thought it adviseable to ask your advise on it.

[p2] Being acquainted with the Well driveing buisness, and we brethren have families and no land and we would like to get homes for us and our families; We have an Idea that if we could get water there, it would be a great opening for settlements.
Please write as soon as convenient, as we would like your aproval and ever wishing to be dictated by those in authority, ever praying for your wellfare, we remain your brethen in the Gospel.

Fred J. Kohlhepp
John. Ethos Olive.
John J Cairns
William K. B[??]seter

[p3] P.S.

We are all from different places, here working for means to make us homes somewhere.

I have been through that part of the country several years ago, and think by the lay of the land that wells could be got there.
Fred. J. Kohlhepp
Pocatello Idaho

In other handwriting by J. F. S. [Joseph F. Smith]:

I think these brethren should counsel with the Presidency of the Tooele stake, as they may know something about the region they speak of. If they can spend the means + time to test the wellboring question, and if successful, enough land could be reclaimed thereby to make a settlement where schools + meetings could be had allright. Otherwise, they had better locate [wards?] to other settlements. J. F. S.

[return note]

Fred J. Kohlhepp
July 16 '93

Dear Bro Ruben: Will you read this on the train, and present the matter to the Presidency of the Tooele stake as suggested in Prest. J. F. Smith's memo:
G. R. [George Reynolds]

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