Friday, May 22, 2020

Fred's Missionary Blessing

Fred's missionary journal recounts how he was set apart by Joseph W. McMurrin for his mission on September 12, 1905. We happen to have a copy of his missionary blessing, which was recorded by Martin S. Lindsay. I've annotated it with scriptural references to language used in the blessing:
Given upon the head of Elder Frederick John Kohlhepp, in the Salt Lake Temple Annex, September 12th, 1905, by President Joseph W. Mc.Murrin. Brother Frederick John Kohlhepp, in the authority of the Holy Priesthood, we set you apart as a missionary to the Swiss and German mission, whither you have been called of the Lord through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. We bless you with the spirit of this calling and send you forth by the laying on of hands, with authority to call men to repentance and to teach and expound the doctrines of the everlasting Gospel as they are contained in the holy scriptures, ancient and modern. Study the word of God and be familiar with the doctrines and truths that have been revealed for the guidance and salvation of men, and inasmuch as you will do this with a prayerful heart, the Spirit of the Lord shall be with you and you shall comprehend the truth better and better. We say unto you, be glad in your soul that that you have this opportunity, that you can go abroad among the people who are sitting in darkness and who know not the truth and become unto them as a savior, having the principles of life and salvation to deliver to all who will be willing to receive the same [see Luke 1:79; Romans 10:15]. Remember that you go as the Lord’s servant, that you go by His authority, and if you will successfully accomplish this work, it will be through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; for it can not be accomplished by your own wisdom; you must have the help of God, and in order to have the Spirit of the Lord, you must keep the commandments. Shun the very appearance of evil; keep the Word of Wisdom and seek the Lord constantly for the companionship of His Holy Spirit, that He may be within you as a well of water springing up unto everlasting life [see John 4:14], leading and guiding you into all truth and warning you of danger [see John 14:18, 16:13]; and if you will do this, the Holy Ghost will be with you and you shall not be left to your own strength or wisdom [see Helaman 4:13; Mormon 2:26], but you shall have that strength that cometh from our Father in heaven. Be not discouraged because of the frowns of men; remember that the Lord has said that His servants will go forth and none shall have power to stay them [see D&C 1:5], and this promise is unto you, inasmuch as you will shun evil and will keep the commandments of the Lord and do your duty. We bless you, dear brother, that you may have health and strength and every needful blessing, that you may have food and raiment and a place to lay your head [see Luke 12:22-27; Matt. 8:20] and, above all else, that you may have the testimony of Jesus burning within you, which is the spirit of prophecy [see Rev. 19:10].
We dedicate you to the Lord and devote you to His service and to the accomplishment of this missionary work, and we say unto you, go in peace and return in safety, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Martin S. Lindsay, Reporter.
 The main themes/thrusts of the blessing:

a. You are called to serve a mission with authority, and it's a privilege
b. As you study and follow the commandments, God's spirit will be with you to guide and teach you
c. Don't be discouraged, you will have the Lord's help

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