Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Passport Application

Before Fred could leave on to serve in the Swiss German mission that he had been called to, he needed to obtain a passport from the government. I located his passport application using footnote. The document mentions perhaps a few things worth noting:

- Fred considered his occupation as ranching.
- Fred intended to serve a mission for around two to three years, even though he only served for almost two.
- Most importantly, it gave a useful physical description of Fred at this time (when he was 43 years old). He was just slightly shorter than myself, at 5 feet 11 inches high. The recorder (a Mr. Oliver) noted that he had a dark complexion, a likely statement for a rancher with German blood. Already he was showing some aging, as his hair was described as "brown with little grey." His eyes were brown, face long, his chin small, and mouth-size listed as "medium."
- Fred was required to bring a man with him that could testify he was a witness he was a natural born citizen of the United States. This man was like Fred from American Falls. His name is listed as Theo.[dore] C. Rewberry/Rowberry. For him to go down to the county office with Fred to testify of his citizenship, he must have been a decent friend. I wonder what his relationship with Fred was--a neighbor, a business associate, a church friend? I will have to look him up and see how close he lived to Fred.
- Fred wanted the passport delivered to simply "American Falls, Idaho," so I suppose he planned on picking it up at the local post office.

I have attached a copy of the application for viewing.

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